Tagging Along with NaNoWriMo

I didn’t officially sign up with NaNoWriMo, but I am tagging along. I’m using this month to  motivate myself to finish a draft where I’m incorporating a new plot. It’s a lot like tearing a part that knitting project in order to make it right.

But It’s easy to loose faith in yourself and the process. There’s a delicate balance between using the pressure to keep you accountable and not letting it overwhelm you. “You wrote this story, or started it for a reason-it came from your heart,” I say to myself. Sometimes I have to let myself daydream, whether its a walk in the woods by myself or my favorite walk on a crisp fall day with my dogs-daydreaming is the seat to creativity. You have to let your subconscious guide you and let go. I think you’ll be surprised where you find yourself, back in the heart of your story in love once again with your plot and your characters.

Yeah-we all get stuck, but don’t loose faith. Writing is a process, not an immediate destination. 

Best of luck to everyone!

Baby steps

I’m finding it genuinely difficult to stay motivated to write these days. But a friend told me about May Days. I looked at this writing activity as ‘baby steps’. I thought I’d give it a whirl. Where do our thoughts come from when we write? I think it comes from the heart. It comes from a state of being. I missed mom today. I missed her a lot. I felt sad and out of options. But I realized from the depths of an emotion that weighs so heavy on my heart that I have to look at where I came from. My parents were both artists, one was a photographer, the other a writer and together they made books. As a kid, I’d sit and watch my mom type on the typewriter and thought that’s what I want to be, a writer. I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. I wrote poems and short stories and always kept a journal. In college I majored in English (duh) and wrote for the school paper. I couldn’t get enough of Yeats, Emily Dickinson & Kurt Vonnegut. Then the magical phase in life came when I met my wonderful husband and raised three beautiful boys who have given me so much joy and became my spark of inspiration to write picture books and more. I adore the written word. Writing frees my soul. Let us never stop creating. My mom, my mentor, my friend is gone. I no longer get those phone calls to ask me if my butt is in the chair. I’d tell her, “It would be if I wasn’t on the phone..” I’d tell her. She always told me, “Never forget your roots. Never forget where you came from.” I believe she said this so I will always find my way back. That my roots are literary roots that I will never loose. I just have to sit with my butt in chair, let my fingers find the letters to the words that my heart speaks and be a writer. Fifteen minutes a day to start. I can do that. Thanks Nancy Tupper Ling for getting me going. There’s no stopping me now!

When Life gives you Lemons-Write about it

Writing is the best therapy. After coming back from a wonderfully inspiring writer’s retreat in Rhode Island, I realized I needed to get back to writing after life had just pulled the braided rug out from underneath me.
My mother, my friend and my writing mentor died of cancer on March 12, after being diagnosed only nine weeks prior. She had just enough time to help us make plans for her own service, make peace with a few people and make damn sure that she handed me her final unfinished manuscript.
What do I take away from this? I will miss her deeply, I won’t get her daily pep-talks but I know she’s with me. I find great comfort in that. I can still hear her words,”No matter what sit in that chair and write! I don’t care if you’re tired, hung-over or just don’t feel like it-sit in that chair and write.” Mom was always right-I didn’t always listen, but I do now.I am making a promise to myself to sit down every day (no matter what) and write. Write in your on-line journal, your blog, write a letter to your character, begin a new novel, or try your hand at poetry. Giving yourself permission to create gives your soul freedom, beyond words and it may even heal your heavy heart. “Thanks mom for giving me the greatest gift ever-passion for the written word and believing in me.”

“YOU HAD THE POWER ALL ALONG” Glinda the Good Witch

“YOU HAD THE POWER ALL ALONG” Glinda the Good Witch

One of my favorite movies is The Wizard of Oz.

When Dorothy first landed on the witch she received the ruby slippers. But it wasn’t until the end that she realized she had the power to return home all along.

Maybe Dorothy could have avoided the whole yellow brick road thing. She could have bypassed meeting the Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion and Wizard and the whole trip to recover the broomstick. I mean she had the power to go home all along, right?

I fully believe that this story represents just that – a journey. I think that Dorothy also had to make a journey before coming to the knowledge, acceptance and belief that she truly held the power all along before she could truly use it.

Isn’t that sort of the way it is with all of us? We are born with the power to accomplish anything we want but somehow it’s hidden from us. But our power is there with us all along, just like the ruby slippers. Your power is always there if only you will risk making the journey to find it.

I also believe that meeting the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the rest enhanced Dorothy’s life and changed who she was – on the inside. Just like my fellow close friends, writer friends and even Face Book friends change the way I see things in me every day and push me to discover my own strength.

Have you found the amazing hidden power present in your own life? It is there. Hang up the

ruby slippers-you don’t need ’em.

In 2013 I resolve to..

1.) Do something that pushes me out of my ‘comfort zone.’
–I’ve joined the church choir
2.) Learn something new.
–Like how to use my new camera (from Christmas 2011)
3.) Lead with desire and love for what you want, not fear.
–I’m still working on that one

We have a whole year to get it right and that’s okay;)

Take The Plunge (not the Polar bear plunge-too cold, but wait…)

It takes a lot of courage, doesn’t it? But how are we going to get there, if we don’t take the plunge and submit our work? Because it’s scary and yes we are afraid of failure. But we wouldn’t have gotten into this business if we didn’t think we had some spark that would take us as far as we wanted to go. It took my mother, my own mother to to say, “Send it out already, what do you have to loose?” I thought about that. Nothing. Noboy’s following me yet, no expectations are veiling. So, I ask you, why not? Why haven’t you submitted? Life is not worth living if we don’t take the plunge. Fear is good. I have only one thing in my Christmas list-a contract;)

Things aint always pretty-

Everything is a bit askew. There will be no ‘normal’ for the next 30+ days. How does the publishing world function? How does a writer function? I say-set your goals and stick to them, no matter what. Don’t forget that around the corner is the ‘new year.’ The time to start a new. I’ve always liked that, however, I feel the need to stay in the now and stay healthy. PEACE

The Health of a Writer

I’ve been meaning to post this for a long time now. So much to say-not enough time. My writing journey began long ago-my healing journey has just begun. We must take care of our bodies-for it is what will take care of our mind. It is a process, I cannot forget that. I have found TCM has helped me tremendously, yoga and the practice of Qigong. We must learn to listen to our bodies, and pay close attention to what it needs, it is all a puzzle-you cannot leave one piece out and expect to heal. We need to quiet our minds in order to listen to our bodies. This is hard when one is trying to finish a novel. My mind gets ahead of my body, it does not always have my best interest in mind. We must stay in balance, mind, body and soul. The rewards from this are heavenly.     

There’s no turning back…

Okay-today is the first day of the rest of my writing career. Ready? Oh yeah!!

My third just started middle-school. It’s time. Time to let the words flow, give the muse  her own swivel chair and get this writing thing going. Did life get in the way? Maybe. It happens. Back to work. Back to the gym-“taking care of my body so it will help take care of my mind.” Katherine Erskine. I vow to add a new writer/artist/editor/agent website link to my blog every day. Creating. That’s what it’s all about-I’m getting warmed up!

Nerdy Chicks Write

Get it Write this Summer!

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